Aldo Ramirez
Aldo A. Ramírez is a committed advocate for multilingual education, arts education, health and wellness for families, students, and staff, and college and career readiness for all students, with a strong commitment and focus on unduplicated children. He is the proud father of two children who received the Seal of Biliteracy and are currently pursuing undergraduate degrees in the arts, areas that they are passionate about. He is the proud husband of an amazing wife who supports him in advancing the educational outcomes of unduplicated students and their families.
Over the past 23 years, he has focused on accelerating student outcomes by chartering highly organized systems centered around data-driven collaborative continuous improvement teams that energize families, community, and staff. The numerous groups he convened have dramatically changed thousands of students’ learning and wellness outcomes and transformed the lives of the adults that support them. According to the Stanford Educational Opportunity Project, the schools he worked with have moved from the lowest quintile of growth to the top quintile on a national level. One of the schools has reached growth in the top ninety-ninth percentile. As the Director of Family Engagement for San Bernardino City Unified School District, he helped the community develop a robust strategic plan that organized the opening of six family engagement centers across the district to drastically increase engagement and support with families.
Recently as the Associate Superintendent at Salinas City Elementary School District, he spearheaded the expansion of Transitional Kindergarten, stabilizing SCESD’s ADA while helping unduplicated students get a head start and increasing district revenue by 2.5 million dollars. Secondly, he led the team that expanded after-school and summer programs to serve one-thousand additional unduplicated students. The program helped improve their attendance and academic outcomes while providing robust STEAM experiences. He is proud of having led the site-level collaborative continuous improvement teams that reduced Chronic Absenteeism by more than twelve percent, suspensions to the lowest levels outside of virtual learning, and increased the academic achievement of students with IEPs and Emergent Bilinguals to the highest levels in SCESD’s recorded history.
Aldo holds his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Economics from Pomona College. He has a Master’s Degree from California State University San Bernardino in Curriculum and Instruction. In addition, he is currently a doctoral candidate, working on his dissertation at Claremont Graduate University. The quantitative dissertation will analyze the impacts of equitable education funding on the academic outcomes of underserved populations and seeks to understand the funding adjustments that accelerate learning the most.